Von Aegir Literary
Our Geometry
Triangle: the rules of our dance. Axe bests Lance.
Square: the borders of the tiles to which we are bound.
Pelta: the guarded heart of your burning crest.
Polygon: the angled planes which sum your austere
Triangle (reprise): who ever knew that love could be so
Square: the borders of the tiles to which we are bound.
Pelta: the guarded heart of your burning crest.
Polygon: the angled planes which sum your austere
Triangle (reprise): who ever knew that love could be so
Kurt Van Ristell is a poet, author and artist living in South London. He works in education, which is a storyteller’s boon. He writes, and digitally paints because travel is simply so expensive. His poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Bandit Fiction, Sledgehammer Lit and Shayel Magazine.